This little girl is quite possibly the chubbiest, cutest most happy little squirt I have ever been around. Her momma was my college roommate and lifelong friend and when they came to visit a couple weeks ago-we were able to snap a few of these in my backyard! It was totally impromptu but I think we got some keepers ;-)
I hate how my photos lose all vibrance when I save to web. Does anyone know how to get around that? These two look much more vibrant in real life-it's a pitty.
I've been playing around with these actions by brenda lately and I'm LOVING them. So soft and ethereal. Been messing with them on Candice's wedding photos too-I can't wait to show you!
The photo above demonstrates the "pink dull action" at about 27% opacity.
Isn't she lovely? I certainly think so-must be because of that cute mom ;-)
Love you girls.
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